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Improve your concentration to do more better work in less time.

What would you do with your time if you could get a week's worth of work done in a day?
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You can't concentrate (and it's costing you).

You’re easily (and constantly) distracted.

You can’t work for 5 minutes without checking email or phone or Slack.

You zone out during meetings.

Your mind wanders and you never remember what was said.

You’re not in control of your time.

You can never find the time to do the important things that will have a real impact on your work.

You’re constantly stressed.

Your day is spent in reaction mode, always shifting your attention to the next thing that's thrown at you to deal with.

You're exhausted.

A day full of interactions and busyness leaves you feeling exhausted rather than energized.

You yearn for calm and meaningful work.

You've heard about a mythical world of concentration and deep work and you want summa that.
A life of focus = A life of freedom

Things could be different.

Attention is the key ingredient to living a good life. How great would things be if you could take back control of yours?

More Freedom

You get your work done faster and have more free time on your hands. You get to spend it exactly how and with who you want.

More Impact

You regularly move the needle on things that are important and impactful to yourself and others. And people are taking notice.

More Energy

Because you work on meaningful things, at the end of the day you’re energized rather than exhausted. And you're excited to wake up each morning.

More Calm

Each day you get done what you set out to do. Your todo list shrinks rather than expands. There's a calmness that pervades all aspects of your life.

More Confidence

Because you can sustain concentration, you don't miss as much as you used to. And you learn things more easily. You feel like you can do anything.

More Time

You don't cram more work in. You simply do more of what matters and less of what doesn’t. You have the freedom to choose.
A Better Way to Focus

Deep Work Accelerator: A 30-day program for doing deep work well

The Deep Work Accelerator optimizes your mental, physical, and digital environments for concentration and flourishing. It uses techniques that promote a calm and sustainable work ethic rather than the chaotic one you're used to.

The Deep Work Accelerator teaches you how to minimize distraction while maximizing intensity and intentionality. This ensures you get done what you set out to do in the shortest amount of time.

Take the 30-day Deep Work Accelerator to change how you work (and live) forever

Learn and practice proven strategies and techniques for reducing internal and external distractions.
Train your ability to concentrate through live deep work sessions with a supportive group.
Get a sh*tload of of important work done.
Learn More
Free Micro-Course

Five Days to Focus

One hour of deeply focused work a day can change your life. But how do you start? You can't even focus for five minutes!

Take this free email course to learn the basics of creating Deep Space to do deep work. By the end you'll have completed one hour of deep work!

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In this free course, you'll learn:

Why an hour a day is all you need (and how you can find it)
The myths of focus that are holding you back
How to eliminate distractions in your environment
Techniques to keep your mind from wandering
How to make deep work sustainable
One action step to take each lesson to prepare for doing deeply focused work
About Me

I'm Tyler Sookochoff. I could barely focus. It was a disaster.

My life was chaotic and full of chronic stress. Now things are much calmer, all thanks to improving my ability to block out distraction and concentrate on the meaningful things in life.

I like to write and teach about attention and why it's the key ingredient to a good life.

I believe practicing 'deep work' is a great place to start cultivating concentration. So I designed the Deep Space framework to help others do just that.

Once you get good at working deeply, you'll get good at paying attention in all aspects of your life.

Everything just gets better — work, family, relationships — when you're present and focused.

Read more about my story



Concentration is impulse control. Master your urges and distractions won’t matter.

Mastering impulse control is key to maintaining deep focus and achieving high productivity.

Mind wandering again? Here’s how to reign it in when doing focused work.

The majority of distractions you experience are internal, not external. Improving meta-awareness while doing focused work will make your efforts much more effective.

Focus better by stopping this bad habit

Guard yourself during liminal moments to master your attention.
Read more articles on how to pay attention.
Read More


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